Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Impact of Legislation on Service Users with Disabilities essays

The Impact of Legislation on Service Users with Disabilities essays In this piece of coursework I will be writing about the Disability Discrimination Act and the NHS care and Community Act. I will also be explaining how the Disability Discrimination Act and the NHS Care and Community Act could benefit two service users. In this section I will be looking at two legislations, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and The NHS and Community Act 1990. I will be referring it back to case studies to show the different ways the legislation helps the service users. The First Act I will be explaining is The Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) main aim is to reduce discrimination against those with disabilities; in particular those individuals who are in employment, in access to facilities, goods and services. The DDA covers a range of people who have sensory, mental or physical disabilities. The act also covers people with severe disfigurements. The act is there that everyone who has a disability should have the same rights as people who are well bodied. By introducing the DDA, it made people who have disabilities more confident. It made them somewhat equals everyone else. It gave them the opportunity to get a job and study. The DDA helped people with disabilities to try and live a normal life. The Disability Discrimination Act aim is to value and protect service users by not allowing them to be discriminated by their disability. It is very important that people with disabilities are not treated any differently to those who have disabilities. The DDA says that people with disabilities should be treated equally and have the same right as well bodied people and allowed to do the same things as well bodied people. It is illegal for anyone to discriminate against those with disabilities. All work places and public places must have adjustment so that people with disabilities can work there or access the public place. The DDA is there to reduce any discrimination fr...

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