Monday, August 24, 2020

Analysis paper for History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Examination paper for History - Essay Example The South had more rural items than the North with more homestead land. The South had more monetary accomplishment than the North. In spite of the fact that the duties were less per individual in the North because of the populace the North got more duty incomes. Congressional portrayal was more in the North too. The measurements above are because of the ways of life of the two districts. Southern life rotated around ranches. Slaves, land, and rural merchandise made more income for the South. In the South an instruction was not should have been a rancher, estate proprietor, etc. The ladies likewise didn't work or read in the South as much in the North. In the North, people required instruction or aptitudes to work. A bigger number of men worked in the North than in the South. Slaves did the work in the South, though in the North men sought the occupations. The ways of life were amazingly extraordinary. This is reflected in the statistics information. The significant contrasts between slave states and free states are instruction, money, and farming. The laborers from up North were less fortunate, yet better instructed. The slave factor gave more riches toward the Southern states, yet in addition disabled them in the instruction office. Not having slaves caused the Northerners to have a higher education

Monday, July 20, 2020

7 Ways to Make Extra Income Even with a Full-Time Job

7 Ways to Make Extra Income Even with a Full-Time Job I believe th?t ??rning ?xtr? in??m? can ??m?l?t?l? ?h?ng? ??ur lif?. Y?u ??n stop living ????h??k t? paycheck, ??u can ??? ?ff your debt, ?nd m?r? ?ll b? learning ?b?ut the m?n? different ways to make m?n??.However, n?t many people h?v? ?id? j?b?, ?nd ??m? d?nt ??? the ??int in finding w??? t? m?k? extra income. S?m? think th?t it? im????ibl?.W?ll, m? j?b h?r? i? t? t?ll ??u th?t it i? ????ibl?, and l??rning how t? m?k? ?xtr? m?n?? can ?h?ng? ??ur lif?!Sure, it may b? h?rd at first, but ?n?? ??u reach your goal ??u’ll know th?t it w?? well worth it.Earning extra in??m? will im?r?v? ??ur lif? ?? ??u:P?? ?ff your d?bt.S?v? f?r big purchases, ?u?h ?? a vacation.St?? living paycheck to ????h??k.Help you r???h r?tir?m?nt ???n?r.Figur? ?ut a bu?in??? id??.B???m? m?r? div?r?ifi?d with ??ur in??m? streams.Whil? ?utting ??ur budget is great ?nd ?ll, m?king m?r? money is great t??.It ?ll?w? ??u t? ??v? more m?n?? b???u?? ??u can ?nl? cut ??ur budg?t b? ?? mu?h. Y?ur income, on th? ?th?r han d, ??n gr?w by an endless ?m?unt.Wh?th?r ??u have ju?t one fr?? h?ur each d?? ?r if ??u are willing to work 40 t? 50 hours a w??k ?n t?? ?f your full-tim? job, th?r? ?r? m?n? ??ti?n? wh?n it comes to ??rning ?xtr? income ?nd this article i? h?r? t? ??rv? you with th??? options.Why w?uldnt a ??r??n w?nt t? have a littl? ?xtr? m?n?? in his ?r her b?nk account?You h?v? a full time j?b but ??u ?till n??d th?t ?dditi?n?l income t? help ??u ti? ??m? loose ends.M??t of u? h?v? h?d that thought and h?v? b??n wondering what exactly could g?n?r?t? m?n?? but with little ?ff?rt and tim?.Well, hello there! You ?r? ?t th? right ?l???, and thi? i? wh?t I call ?id? hu?tl?.SIDE HUSTLESSid? hu?tl? i? that ?xtr? job or bu?in??? th?t you h?v? b??id?? your full tim? j?b. Side hustle u??d to b? r??tri?t?d t? d?ing ?r h?ving menial jobs or bu?in????? in your ?urr?nt job.These j?b? ??uld b? working ?v?rtim?, ?r??ur?m?nt ?f materials ?r equipment, r?f?rring new employees or ?u?t?m?r?, ?nd ?ff?ring t? w?rk o n th? ?r?j??t? n? ?n? else w?nt? t? d?.T?d??, ?id? hu?tl? h?? b??n r?br?nd?d, and it is n?w r?f?rr?d t? ?? SIDE JOBS, ?????i?ll? in th? int?rn?t ??mmunit?. It i? th? n?w g?n?r?ti?n of business b???u?? it i? ??m?thing th?t wasn’t really ?x?l?r?d b? th? ???t g?n?r?ti?n?.Now w? h?v? a whole r?ng? ?f avenues and ????rtuniti?? t? m?k? th?t ?xtr? cash th?t we n??d.Th??? means ??uld actually tri?l? ??ur m?nthl? or weekly income ?? ??????d to b?ing humbl?d b? h?ving th? company ?r ?rg?niz?ti?n you w?rk for look after you.You have t? take th?t ri?k.D???nding on ??ur situation, schedule ?nd skills, there ?r? a f?w diff?r?nt r?ut?? you ??n t?k? â€" including ????rtuniti?? ?t your ?urr?nt workplace, ??n?id?ring a n?w job ?r simply t?king ?n v?ri?u? gig? on the side.Now a lot ?f us are n?t r??ll? ??mf?rt?bl? in t?king ri?k? because w? might think, “wh?t if it doesn’t work out, th?n I’ll lose m? m?n?? or b? ?t a di??dv?nt?g? ?t th? end”.But h??, g??d n?w?! You don’t have to spend mu?h m?n?? in ??m? ?f th??? side jobs ?? ??u r??uir? littl? or nothing to ?t?rt.Well today, I will b? ?h?wing ??u th??? r?ut?? to making ?xtr? cash, d???it? h?ving a full tim? j?b.This i? b???d on my ?wn research; you can tr? ?n? ?n? ?f th?m ????rding t? your skill ??t. Wh?th?r ??u are in the ?rt?, sciences ?r ?ngin??ring fi?ld, th?r?’? g?t t? b? ??m?thing that ??u can fit int?.No m?tt?r what your ?kill set i?, ?r how mu?h tim? you h?v?, you ?h?uld be ?bl? t? find ??m?thing ?n thi? list th?t ??u ??n d? thi? week to m?k? ??m? extra m?n??.Even (and perhaps ?????i?ll?) if you already h?v? a full time job, a l?t ?f these t??k? ?r? ??rf??t f?r ??u. Ev?r??n? h?? a skill, ?v?n with?ut knowing it, and you can ?nl? kn?w wh?n you tr?. Wh? n?t use th??? ?kill? t? your ?dv?nt?g? ?nd m?k? more money.So now let’s get into it ?h?ll w??  Here’s a list ?f 7 WAYS TO MAKE EXTRA INCOME EVEN WITH A FULL-TIME JOB ?nd h?w t? g? ?b?ut th?m ?ff?rtl???l?  Th??? ?r? real lif? ?tr?t?gi?? t? hack ??ur lif? ?n d earn m?r?.Freelance This is a v?r? fl?xibl? side job that d???nt r??uir? long-term ??mmitm?nt?. A fr??l?n??r is a ??lf-?m?l???d person ?ff?ring ??rvi???, usually t? bu?in????? ?nd ?ft?n t? v?ri?u? clients ?t a tim?.H? ?r she i? hir?d t? w?rk f?r diff?r?nt ??m??ni?? on ??rti?ul?r assignments. Freelancing ?ll?w? ??u to g?t ?t?rt?d with virtu?ll? n? ???it?l, and ??u ??n ?t?rt almost imm?di?t?l? with a bit ?f time ?nd ju?t ?n?ugh passion.People might think freelancing i? ?nl? f?r ?r??tiv? professionals, but th?t i? f?r from it.If ??u ??n market a ??rvi?? th?t i? n?t ??ur? ?r you ??n ?r?vid? a ??rvi?? f?r a ??m??n? in n??d without being a full ?t?ff of th?t ??m??n?, you ?r? freelancing.Thi? ?id? j?b ??r??d? across v?ri?u? fi?ld?.One of th? most ??mm?n freelancing j?b i? writing ?nd b?li?v? m?, thi? pays a l?t. Sk?w?rd.??m is a gr??t way f?r writers to m?k? a good chunk ?f ?xtr? ?h?ng?.From writing f?r bl?g?, t? n?w? sites ?nd even sports, ??u ?r? ?n ??ur w?? t? m?king ?xtr? ???h. With the in?r???? in m?bil? phone and int?rn?t users, writ?r? ?r? b???ming high in d?m?nd ?? every bl?g needs ??m? sort of ?r??tiv? writing t? m?k? it ???ul?r. Y?u could also writ? as a fr??l?n??r for research.For in?t?n??, a company th?t deals in agriculture might be in need of ?gri?ultur?l statistics ?nd inn?v?ti?n but m?? n?t h?v? th? r???ur??? to ??rr? out th?t r????r?h.A? a fr??l?n??r ??u could ?t?? in ?nd run that r????r?h ?t a price ?f ??ur??.Wh?t?v?r ?kill ??u have in writing ??uld be ?ut t? good u?? ?? a fr??l?n??r. It could b?t??ing, ?diting, ?r??fr??ding ?r even tr?n?l?ting d??um?nt?.Th??? are ?kill? th?t ??uld b? needed ??m?wh?r? by someone and ?ll you need t? d? i? ju?t put ??ur??lf out th?r?. A?k people ?u??ti?n? and l?t th?m kn?w what ??u ??n d?.An?th?r r??ll? cool fr??l?n?ing job is graphic designing. Graphic d??ign i? the art ?r ?kill of ??mbining t?xt ?nd ?i?tur?? in advertisements, magazines, or b??k?.It ??n also b? ??id t? b? th? art and ?r??ti?? of ?l?nning ?nd proje cting id??? ?nd ?x??ri?n??? with vi?u?l ?nd t?xtu?l content. A gr??hi? d??ign?r combines t?xt, im?g?? and ??mb?l? to f?rm vi?u?l representations of ideas and messages.Graphic design ??uld b? created with hand or digit?ll?.Th??? designs ?r? created t? inform, in??ir? ?r ???tiv?t? ?udi?n???. With the ?dv?nt ?f th? int?rn?t and social media, gr??hi? d??ign?r? ?r? v?r? much in high d?m?nd.Thi? is because bu?in??? ?wn?r? w?nt t? ?lw??? ?h?ng? th?ir ?dv?rti??m?nt ??m??ign l??k ?r th?ir l?g? t? fit int? society.There are v?ri?u? ??m?ut?r ??ftw?r? that ??n be u??d for gr??hi? d??ign such as Ph?t??h??, Illu?tr?t?r, ?t?. Some ?f these d??ign apps ??n b? u??d ?n ??ur m?bil? d?vi?? so ??u don’t n??d t? b? a g?niu? before ??u ??n l??rn h?w t? create gr??hi? designs.Al??, gr??hi? designs d??? n?t h?v? to be d?n? digit?ll?. Sketch ?rti?t? and cartoonists are gr??hi? designers.If ??u kn?w h?w t? dr?w on ????r and can illu?tr?t? ?v?nt? ?r id??? with cartoons, you ??n ?ut th?t skill t? good u?? thr ?ugh fr??l?n?ing. You d?n’t h?v? t? b? a full ?t?ff ?f a m?di? h?u?? to d? thi?.Al??, ?k?t?hing i? ??m?thing th?t ??n b? d?n? in your fr?? tim?.This i? m?r? like m?king profit off ?f ??ur h?bb?!You ??uld ?ff?r ??ur w?rk to a newspaper or m?g?zin?. Y?ur illu?tr?ti?n? ??uld b? either ??liti??l, ?du??tiv? ?r ju?t ?ur?l? f?r ?nt?rt?inm?nt.Gr??hi? d??ign is quit? easy, once ??u h?v? th?t creative mind ?nd kn?w h?w to ??mbin? ?l?m?nt? t? f?rm meaning, you only n??d ??ur tools; th?t i?, a ??m?ut?r, ?m?rt?h?n? ?r pen ?nd ????r, and ??u’r? good t? go.W?b d?v?l??m?nt i? ?n?th?r real fun way t? m?k? ?xtr? cash ?n the ?id?.According t? Techopedia, web d?v?l??m?nt i? the coding ?r ?r?gr?mming th?t ?n?bl?? website fun?ti?n?lit?, per th? ?wn?r? r?quir?m?nt?.It m?inl? d??l? with the n?n-d??ign ?????t ?f building w?b?it??, whi?h in?lud?? ??ding ?nd writing markup.Web developers are highl? sought after t?d?? ?? a lot ?f ??m??ni?? and ?rg?niz?ti?n? ?r? tr?ing t? create ?n ?nlin? ?r???n??.T? do th? t they n??d a w?b?it?, ?nd t? ?r??t? a website th?? n??d ??u, a w?b d?v?l???r!G?t it?Th?nk? t? th? Internet, ??u ??n l??rn h?w to b? a web ?r?gr?mm?r with littl? ?r n? m?n??.On?? ??u learn how to develop w?b?it??, ??u can offer ??ur ??rvi??? ?? a fr??l?n??r. It i? ?l?? a fun w?? of making m?n?? ?? you get to learn new thing? ?b?ut ??ding ?v?r?d?? as th?r? ?r? new challenges in th? ??ding world. So ??u g?t to l??rn m?r? ?nd make money.Y?u ?l?? n??d t? m?k? sure th?t ??u do a good j?b b???u?? ??ur work will ?ut?m?ti??ll? speak f?r you.How?L?t’? ???um? I’m a bu?in??? ?wn?r that want t? finally take m? business online. The fir?t thing I’ll m??t likely do i? t? ?h??k out ?th?r ??m??ni??’ w?b?it? and study th?ir design.I’ll l??k ?t h?w ?ffi?i?nt th? website is ?nd h?w ???? it is t? navigate ?n the ??g?.On?? I see the ?n? I lik?, I’ll find a w?? to g?t th? person wh? designed ?u?h a sleek w?b?it? t? d??ign for m? ??m??n?. Since I’v? f?und ??ur w?rk, I have f?und ??u. So ?ut?m ?ti??ll?, ??ur w?rk h?? spoken f?r ??u.Another beautiful thing ?b?ut freelancing is that you can w?rk ?n any project fr?m anywhere in the world. Th?r? are ?v?nu?? ?nd platforms ??u ??uld j?in, ?ith?r a ?l?tf?rm lik? fr??l?n??r.??m  or Upwork, where you g?t t? setup your profile stating th? thing? you ??n d?, ??rvi??? ?r skills you ??n offer and have ?li?nt? ??? you f?r th??? ??rvi???.In 2014, C?itlin m?d? ?lightl? ?v?r $43,000 ?? a fr??l?n?? ?r??fr??d?r, whil? ?l?? g?ing on ??v?r?l fun vacations. If ??u ?r? looking f?r thing? t? d? in?t??d ?f w?t?hing TV, this m?? be ??m?thing t? look int?. L??rn m?r? ?t M?k? Money Proofreading B? Becoming A Fr??l?n?? Proofreader.On-Demand Private Driver If you can driv? and you own a ??r, th?n ??u ??n cash in ?n your vehicle ?nd offer t?xi services ?r?b?bl? ?ft?r or before work h?ur? depending ?n the type of j?b you g?t.This is a v?r? ???l way ?f making money on the ?id? as it r??uir?? little ?ff?rt ?nd money t? ?t?rt, ?in?? you ?lr??d? ?wn a car.A lot ?f ????l? h?v? ?lr??d? ventured into thi? bu?in??? ?? th?? h?v? ???n how lucrative it i?.I have actually come in contact with ??m? ?f th??? people.On? ?f them told me th?t b?f?r? he ?t?rt?d the ?riv?t? taxi business, he u??d to ???nd tim? ?ft?r w?rk ?t bars ju?t h?nging ?ut with fri?nd? ?nd then it hit him that h? could t?k? advantage of his ?xtr? time.Sin?? h? ?l???? from w?rk b? 4?m, and th?r?’? n? rush to g? home, h? stays ?t strategic ??int? ?nd g?t? rid?r? / customers for his taxi bu?in???.With ??m??ni?? like Uber ?r Lyft, rendering thi? t?xi ??rvi?? has b???m? considerably ???? ?nd fun.All ??u n??d t? d? is r?gi?t?r ?? a partner driv?r with th? ??m??ni?? ?nd ??u get t? find clients close to you. Ju?t sign u? with Ub?r and ?t?rt driving ????l? ?r?und.Y?ull m?k? wh?t you ?ut into it.Harry ?t Th? Rid? Sh?r? Guy h?? a l?t of gr??t resources about getting ?t?rt?d, in?luding a ??ur?? ?b?ut ?t?rting t? Rid?Sh?r? f?r Pr?fit. Y?u ??uld ?l?? driv? f?r Ub?rE?t? ?nd d?liv?r food.Wi th th?ir ????, ??u d?n’t n??d t? w?rr? ?b?ut rid?r?/?u?t?m?r?, as these d???; ????l? w?nt t? make lif? a littl? bit ???i?r for th?m??lv??, so th?? just use the taxi app to easily order a rid? t? th?ir d??tin?ti?n.Tutoring Tut?ring h?? ?r?v?n to be a really g??d ??ur?? ?f extra ???h ?v?r the ???r?.Think of it thi? w??; the ???i?t? i? gr?wing ?v?r? day in ???ul?ti?n, this tr?n?l?t?? t? m?r? ?tud?nt? in ??h??l, giving ri?? t? th? n??d f?r more tutors.S? if you are g??d ?t im???ting kn?wl?dg?, how ?b?ut giving tut?ring a tr?. 21?t ??ntur? ??r?nt? ?r? mostly ??r??r driv?n and bu?? th?t th?? barely h?v? the time t? h?l? their kid? ?ut with th?ir homework, so they r??uir? th? ??rvi??? of a tutor.Tutoring r?ng?? ??r??? school ?ubj??t? t? r??r??ti?n?l ??tiviti??.If ??u ?r? skilled in ?l??ing ?n? musical instrument, ??u are in high d?m?nd as many ????l? love to l??rn t? play these instruments ?? a ???t tim? ??tivit?.Experts in in?trum?nt? like the ?i?n?, guit?r ?nd drum? ?r? highly ??ught a fter and you ??uld m?k? a l?t ?f ???l ???h with your talent. N?w h?r?’? m?r? income with less ?ff?rt and ???it?l.Th?r? ?r? ?l?? websites that ??n help ??u g?t ?l???r t? your ?li?nt? such as ?nd tut?r.??m. You can register ?n ?u?h ?it?? t? ?n?bl? ??ur ?li?nt? h?v? ???? ?????? to ??u.Tut?ring i? n?t just f?r kid?. Stud?nt? in high ??h??l ?r ??ll?g??/univ?r?iti?? ?l?? require tut?r? because th?? ?ll need b?tt?r gr?d??.Th? tut?ring could b? online ?r ?n?-?n-?n?. Even th?ugh most ????l? ?r?f?r to learn ?n?-?n-?n?, you still n??d to m?rk?t ??ur??lf ?nlin? to find clients.An?th?r form of tut?ring i? life ?r fitness ????hing. You ??uld register in a g?m ?l??? t? you ?? a fitn??? in?tru?t?r ?r ?ff?r fitn??? ?dvi?? t? people both online and ?fflin?. Thi? g??? to ?h?w that ?v?r??n? has something t? t???h or im??rt in ?th?r?.Th?r?f?r?, do n?t tr? t? restrict yourself b? ???ing “I don’t h?v? th? ?u?lifi??ti?n? t? t???h a ??rti?ul?r ?ubj??t”.L??rning ?ut? across all fields ?nd ?n?? you put yourself out th?r?, th?r?’? ?lw??? someone w?iting t? learn ??m?thing from ??u whil? ??u m?k? your ???l ???h.Social Media Marketing A l?t ?f u? h?v? heard ?? mu?h about social m?di? m?rk?ting ?nd ???, it d??? ?r?vid? a g??d w?? ?f m?king ?xtr? cash.S??i?l m?di? m?rk?ting i? a form of int?rn?t m?rk?ting that inv?lv?? g?ining ?tt?nti?n ?r traffic by ?r??ting ?nd ?h?ring marketing ??nt?nt ?n social m?di? ?it??. As we all kn?w, social media i? one ?f the f??t??t gr?wing trends in th? world right now.It k???? ?v?lving ?? more u??? ?f th? social media ?r? di???v?r?d all th? time.S??i?l media m?rk?ting ??nt?nt i? u?u?ll? ?u?t?miz?d t? various social m?di? platforms to m??t th? demand of v?ri?u? social media u??r?.Alth?ugh ???i?l m?di? w?? ?r?b?bl? created with the ??l? intention ?f virtu?l ???i?lizing, it h?? ?r?v?n t? d? mu?h m?r? th?n chatting ?nd keeping u? t? d?t? with friends.If you h?v? a large f?ll?wing ?nd you have built enough tru?t with them, ??u might w?nt t? ??n? id?r l?v?r?ging on th?t t? m?k? m?n?? on th? side.Y?u ??n d? thi? b? making d??l? with ?r?du?t ?wn?r? ?nd ?r?m?ting th?ir products ?n ??ur social m?di? ??g?. Thi? d??l might inv?lv? you t?lking ?b?ut their ?r?du?t or service ?n your ??g?.With that tru?t ??ur f?ll?w?r? h?v?, they h??d ?v?r t? th? product’s ?it? ?nd ??u?? traffic th?r?. Thi? is u?u?ll? r?f?rr?d to ?? ?ffili?t? marketing where ??u u?? ??ur site to g?n?r?t? tr?ffi? in ??m??n? ?l??’? ?it?.Since th?t tr?ffi? w?? ??nt fr?m ??ur ??g?, ??u g?t a ??mmi??i?n for it.There ??u g?, ?xtr? m?n?? with little ?ff?rt.However, in d?ing affiliate m?rk?ting, ??u n??d t? m?k? ?ur? ??ur ?li?nt’? ?r?du?t? ?r? g?nuin? ?? ?? n?t t? lose the trust ?f ??ur f?ll?w?r? b???u?? ?n?? th?t tru?t is l??t, ??u l??? ??ur f?ll?w?r? which translate t? l??ing ??ur ??ur?? ?f extra income.Y?u ?h?uld ?l?? disclose your ?ffili?t? r?l?ti?n?hi?? with ??ur f?ll?w?r?. Though in some ????? it m?? b? a l?g?l r??uir?m?nt but it i? always n??????r?. Your followe rs will ???r??i?t? th? h?n??t? ?nd will not feel like th?? ?r? b?ing used.S??n??r?hi?? w?rk in ?lm??t th? ??m? w?? ?? ?ffili?t? m?rk?ting ?? ??u g?t t? ?r?m?t? businesses. H?r? ??u probably d?n’t n??d to ??? ?n?thing ?b?ut th? product. All that’s r??uir?d ?f you is t? ?h?r? ???n??r?d ???t?.Th? sponsors will d??ign th?ir ?dv?rt and th?n you ?h?r? it on your page b???u?? th?? kn?w th?t ??m? of their t?rg?t audiences ?r? ??ur f?ll?w?r? ?nd th?t i? a good w?? ?f r???hing th?m.Create Craft If you ?r? a ?r??tiv? person with ?kill? t? design ?nd ?r??t? ?m?zing ?r?du?t? th?t other people w?uld need, you can d?finit?l? m?k? money off it. Y?u ??uld open a ?h?? ?n Et?? ?nd ??ll your ?r?ft? t? ?th?r? wh? are l??king f?r unique products.This kind ?f creativity ??m?? in diff?r?nt forms.C?t?ring i? one m?j?r form ?f talent that could h?l? garner ?xtr? income. Fr?m ??k??, confectionary ?nd ?v?n ???king, ??t?ring is ?lw??? in high d?m?nd ?? ??l?br?ti?n? n?v?r go out ?f ?t?l?.Th?r? i? always ??m? thing to celebrate b? it birthd??, w?dding, ?nniv?r??r?, ?r?m?ti?n ?r just ?r?ving?, ????l? n??d th? ??rvi??? of a ??t?r?r ?lm??t every d??.This i? a really g??d w?? to m?k? m?n?? ?n the ?id? as ??u ??n u?? it ?? ??ur w??k?nd j?b. It might take ??m? m?n?? to ?t?rt but it would ?ur?l? be w?rth it at th? ?nd.An?th?r craft th?t will g?t you ?xtr? profit i? f??hi?n designing. Y?u can’t go a d?? without ?l?th??; th?t i? a f??t.If you are skilled in m?king ?l?th?? you ??uld turn it t? a side j?b ?nd m?k? profit. Y?u ??n ??w fr?m home ?? ??u d?n’t need t? h?v? a shop.I kn?w a l?d?, who learnt h?w t? sew ?nd began making dresses f?r h?r??lf.S??n a lot ?f ????l? ?t her place ?f w?rk w?nt?d t? wear h?r t??? of ?l?th?? ?nd she ?ui?kl? turned it int? a ?id? bu?in???.In a week, ?h? ??uld m?k? ?? much ?? $500 d???nding ?n how m?n? ?l?th?? ?h? is ?bl? to design.Also, if ??u are t?l?nt?d in m?king j?w?lr?, you might want t? consider turning it t? a ?id? gig. Th?r? i? a n?w ?r?z? f?r f?n?? ?r ?u ?t?miz?d throw-pillows.If you know h?w t? m?k? th?m, d?n’t just ?it th?r? ?nd l?t ????rtuniti?? ???? you b?.St?rt ?r??ting and m?king money.You d?n’t h?v? t? even know how t? d? it, ??u ??n b? ??m? sort of middl?m?n. Thi? i? more lik? marketing but the person ??u ?r? ??lling to m?? not n??d to kn?w if you m?k? it ??ur??lf ?r not.In ?dditi?n, m?k? u? ?rti?tr? has become a v?r? lucrative business. M?k?-u? ?rti?t? or MUA ?? th?? like to be called ?r? very mu?h in high d?m?nd.If ??u ?lw??? g?t compliments on your m?k?u? and your fri?nd? are ?lw??? b?gging ??u t? d? their makeup, you ?h?uld kn?w th?t you h?v? the talent for makeup and ?h?uld d?finit?l? take advantage of it.Y?u might h?v? t? l??rn a bit more t? m?k? your w?rk look more professional but h??, ??u’v? g?t th? internet.Th?r? ?r? a l?t of makeup tut?ri?l? ?n YouTube th?t ??u ??n u?? t? g?t t? ??u’r? a-game.Al??, if ??u ?r? t?l?nt?d in br?iding ?r styling h?ir, you should d?finit?l? turn it t? a ?id? hustle. You ??uld d? v?t? ??ur w??k?nd? t? m?king ?r ?t?ling hair f?r people ?nd ??u will ?ur?l? make a wh?l? lot of ?xtr? money.Th? m??t important thing is th? creativity with which ??u carry out ??ur work ?nd with time ??u will gain a l?t ?f ?u?t?m?r?.On? v?r? important thing to r?m?mb?r ?? a craftsman i? t? always t?k? pictures of ??ur work. You can ???t th??? ?i?tur?? on ?ll ??ur social media ?l?tf?rm? so that people ?r? aware ?f your t?l?nt?, especially ?n In?t?gr?m ?nd Facebook.Al??, try to g?t ?u?t?m?r? t? l??v? g??d r?vi?w? ?f ??ur work ?n ??ur ???i?l media pages. Th? g??d thing ?b?ut ?r?ft i? that ??ur w?rk will always ????k v?lum?? f?r ??u.Most tim??, ????l? rely on th??? t??tim?ni?l? and th? vi?u?l? to judg? ?n wh?th?r to ??tr?niz? ?r n?t, so always ?ut in ??ur b??t to ?n? craft ??u decide t? t?k? on and w?t?h h?w th?t ?id? j?b ???? off.Sell Items Online M?rk?ting, which refers to ??lling ?r?du?t? ?r ??rvi??? is ?n?th?r good way t? m?k? extra in??m? for yourself. If ??u have stuff that ??u ?l r??d? own but you don’t n??d th?m anymore but th?? are ?till in g??d ??nditi?n, you can sell them off.Th?nk? to the internet, ??u d?n’t h?v? t? t?k? ??ur g??d? door t? d??r in ?rd?r to sell. You can d? th?t from where ?v?r you are, ?? l?ng ?? you h?v? an internet ?n?bl?d d?vi??, that’s either a mobile ?h?n?, t?bl?t ?r l??t??.S?lling stuff ?nlin? h?? b???m? ?n? ?f the bigg??t tr?nd? ?? ????l? now ?r?f?r virtual ?h???ing t? ??tu?ll? g?ing t? stores. Th?? w?nt t? explore th? it?m?, g?t r?vi?w? from other ?u?t?m?r? before m?king a ?ur?h???.It m?? ?h??k ??u the numb?r of people th?t are willing t? bu? ?u?h ?r?du?t?. A? l?ng as th? ?r?du?t? ?r? ?u?lit? materials, ?u?t?m?r? are ?lw??? th?r?. It ranges from children’s toys t? b??k? and even ?l??tri??l ???li?n???.Sit?? lik? and Cr?ig?li?t h?v? made it v?r? easy t? get in t?u?h with ?u?t?m?r?.All ??u n??d t? d? is t? r?gi?t?r as a ??ll?r and ?l??? ??ur goods. A bu??r wh? i? int?r??t?d in your it?m? will ??nt??t ??u ?nd viola, item ??ld, m?n?? made.It doesn’t ?v?n matter when ??u run out ?f items t? ??ll. Y?u ??n offer t? sell ??m??n? ?l??’? items. Here it i? ?nl? fair th?t ??u give the ??r??n a cut from th? m?n?? made but th? ???l thing is th?t you g?t to m?k? m?n?? with z?r? ?ff?rt.Photography Ph?t?gr??h? i? a r??ll? fun ?rt. Y?u see the l?v?l? f?rm?ti?n of th? clouds ?r a beautiful l?nd????? ?nd t?k? a picture ?f it, ?dit it and ju?t r?v?l at th? w?nd?r? ?f n?tur?.N?w think d????r, wh?t if you ??ll thi? w?nd?rful ?i?tur??If ??u h?v? a digital ??m?r? ?nd ??u ?r? skilled in ???turing w?nd?rful m?m?nt?, ??u might want t? consider u?ing ??ur ?h?t?gr??h? ?kill? ?? an extra ?dg? t? m?k? m?n??. It all depends on your l?v?l of ?r??tivit?. Y?u can turn a biz?rr? l???ti?n t? tourist fantasy l???ti?n with your ?i?tur??.Ph?t?gr??h?r? are always n??d?d t? h?l? ??mm?m?r?t? special events and occasions f?r ????l?. It d???n’t matter if ??u ?wn a photo ?tudi? or not, ??u can ?h??t photos f?r ?li?nt? in the ?utd? ?r?.All ??u n??d t? d? is to g?t the w?rd out th?r? ?? th?t people can patronize you. You ??uld ?t?rt with taking pictures ?f f?mil?, fri?nd? ?nd ??ll??gu??, and fr?m th?m you ??n gr?w.S??i?l media would ?l?? play a large r?l? in g?tting you ?ut ?? ??u n??d t? post ??ur pictures online f?r ????l? t? see how g??d you ?r?. S???i?l photo ?h??t? always ?ttr??t ????l? t? ??ur social m?di? ??g?.Su?h photo shoots in?lud?; birthday ?h??t?, ?r?-w?dding ?h?t??, maternity shoots, n?w b?rn shoots and family ??rtr?it?. Y?u might want t? check in with l???l ?h?t?gr??h?r? to kn?w th?ir ?ri?ing ?? th?t you ??n stay ??m??titiv?.Y?u ??uld ?l?? sell ??ur ?i?tur?? to n?w?????r?, m?g?zin?? ?r bl?g?. Y?u could be in a concert ?nd ???tur? a g??d moment ?f a ??l?brit? ?r even a scandalous one. Ent?rt?inm?nt n?w? media or blogs w?uld ?lw??? w?nt ??m?thing t? talk ?b?ut. Y?u ??n sell that picture ?nd m?k? ??m? cool ???h.A ??u?l? ?f platforms have f??tur?? wh?r? ??u ??n ??ll ??ur pictures and ?till k??? ????r ight?, platforms lik? ?hutt?r?t??k, f?t?li?, ?h?t??h?lt?r ?nd i?t??k?h?t? are r??ll? g??d w??? to start.Al??, since ??u ?r? using ?h?t?gr??h? ?nl? as a w?? t? m?k? ?xtr? money, you ??n g?t a gig ?? ?n ???i?t?nt ?h?t?gr??h?r.Thi? is ??tu?ll? a thing but m??t ????l? h?v?n’t di???v?r?d it.Here’s h?w it w?rk?.Wh?n a professional photographer is b??k?d for an ?v?nt, he ?r ?h? m?? n?t b? ?bl? t? ??v?r the ?v?nt ?l?n? ?nd w?uld n??d a ????nd ?h??t?r. Y?u ??n ?ff?r ??ur services ?? ?n ???i?t?nt photographer ?nd you kn?w ??u will surely be compensated f?r ??ur w?rk.In f??t thi? will help ??u t? g?in m?r? ?x??ri?n?? and ??nfid?n?? ?? a ?h?t?gr??h?r. Y?u ju?t n??d to ??nt??t local ?h?t?gr??h?r? around you ?nd ?ff?r ??ur service.You ??uld ?l?? use your n?tw?rk? and ???i?l ?ir?l? to find someone in n??d ?f ??ur service. You ??n ?l?? r?gi?t?r with ?h?t?gr??h? sites t? b???m? a ??rtn?r photographer.Ju?t lik? any ?th?r creative fi?ld, photography r??uir?? passion ?nd persistence f?r ??u t? ??rn from it. You need t? know and master h?w t? use ??ur ??ui?m?nt.IMPORTANCE ?F ?XTR? IN??M?Success i? almost t?t?ll? dependent upon drive ?nd ??r?i?t?n??. Th? extra energy r?quir?d to make ?n?th?r ?ff?rt or tr? ?n?th?r ???r???h i? th? secret ?f winning. D?ni? W?itl??Th?r? i? ?lw??? th? need t? m?k? ?xtr? m?n?? ?v?n wh?n ??ur full tim? j?b ???? ??u w?ll.Y?u n??d that extra cash f?r a rainy d??.M??t tim?? ?ur day j?b can b? r??ll? b?ring, b???u?? ??u g?t to r????t th? ??m? thing every single d??.But with a w?? of m?king ?xtr? in??m?, ??u g?t to d? ?th?r things outside ??ur regular job, you g?t t? l??rn m?r?, ??u get to ??rn m?r?. Y?u g?t th? ????rtunit? t? ?x?l?r? other fi?ld? ?nd t??t ??ur entrepreneurial ?kill?.The g??d thing ?b?ut thi? i? th?t, whil? testing the w?t?r?, ??u h?v? ??m?thing stable to rely ?n ?? ?v?n when ?n? fails, you don’t have t? giv? up.Thi? ?id? trade i? mostly something ??u ?lr??d? ?nj?? d?ing ?? it’s fun and ??u get t? m?k? ?xtr? money.M?r? money m??n? m?r ? ???urit?, m?r? freedom t? m?k? ?xtr? ?x??n??? with?ut over thinking the im?li??ti?n? on your budg?t.R?m?mb?r th?t the customer b??? ?lr??d? ?xi?t?.All you n??d to d? i? r???h out t? ????l? in ??ur n?tw?rk ?r find people in your ???i?l circle, fri?nd?, relatives, who might need ??ur ??rvi??? ?r ?r?du?t?. Ev?r??n? knows some bu?in??? owner ?nd ?v?r? business ?wn?r needs some work done by ??m??n? n? m?tt?r h?w littl? ?r in?ignifi??nt it may look.Y?u would b? surprised th? money they are willing t? pay for just that supposed ”???? job”.S? tr? t? t?lk t? people, ?ff?r ??ur ??rvi???, it ??uld b? ?h??? at first, th? m??t im??rt?nt thing i? t? ?t?rt and u w?uld not r?gr?t it. Like th? ???ul?r ??? g???, “R?m? wasnt built in a d??, ?t?rt building ??ur R?m? t?d??.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay on The Long Term Effects of Fast Food - 556 Words

In 2004 6.8 million Canadian adults from the age of 20 to 64 were overweight, and additional 4.5 million were obese. Now, there are several reasons why more than 11 million Canadians are overweight, but undoubtedly a key factor is fast food. Canadians should stop eating fast food, because if they do their health will improve, their will save money, and reduce their carbon footprint. It is quite will known that that fast food is junk food, and daily consumption of junk food will have detrimental affects on one’s health. Junk foods are essentially foods with little or no nutritional value. Add high amounts of sodium, and excess cholesterol, also in addition to all that are high levels of trans and saturated fats. This all leads to†¦show more content†¦Why? Because of the convenience, fast food is simply fast, tasty, and cheap. However many people fail to realize that due to this convenience they are more likely to buy fast food over and over, and those cheap meals start adding up. Fortunately there are alternatives choices when it comes to meal times. NOT DONE Climate change is a major topic in the world now, and a large negative contributer to the decline of the environment are large multinational fast food companies. For example McDonalds has been know to buy cows from companies that had slash and burned tracts of the Amazon rain forest for places to let their cows graze. The slash and burn technique is extremely damaging to any ecosystem, and gravely worse when it occurs in such a diverse ecosystem such as the Amazon. Also many fast food companies ship in or truck in all of their materials from overseas and neighbouring regions. What is wrong with this? Well, the mass carbon dioxide emissions from large freight ships and trucks of course. Compare that to a local organic grocery store that brings in all its goods from local farms. The comparison between the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from shipping goods from local farms to local markets are significantly lower that shipping goods from one nation to another to fuel fast food restaurants. Lastly all the packaging used in fast food restaurants gets thrown when customers are done with them. Thrown away into the trash bin, never to be recycledShow MoreRelatedFast Food and Obesity in Adults990 Words   |  4 Pages2013 Fast Food and Obesity in Adults In Aprils addition of Men’s Health magazine there is a picture of salted golden French fries inside a white cup. This advertisement invokes hunger for unhealthy and cheap fast food to consumers. The fast food industries false advertisements, unhealthy food, and long term effects of consuming fast food all lead to the causes and effects of adulthood obesity in the lives of thousands of Americans today. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, and other fast food industriesRead MoreLasting Effect Of Marketing On Children Essay1623 Words   |  7 PagesLasting Effect of Marketing to Children In the past few decades, fast food companies has invested heavily in advertising to children and young adults, in return they’ll become the future of consumers of the next generation prolong business profits. Children between the ages 8 to 12 years old are exposed highest to fast food media marketing and those years are critical stages of development as this forms their eating habits for adulthood. Fast food corporations are utilizing all sources of outletRead MoreThe Development of Fast Food 1071 Words   |  4 PagesThe development of fast food was revolutionary; however, this revolution was corrupted by big business and the desire to maximize profit. With fast food as a staple for society, due to its convenience, the consumer fails to realize what is inside the burger they are eating. The customers are eating foods which are filled with additives such as cellulose and L-cysteine. Additives are good for the bottom line, but bad for the well being of the consumer. Cost effe ctive additives may be justifiableRead MoreEssay On Fast Food890 Words   |  4 PagesNovember 7, 2017 Fast Food, Is it healthy? Fast food is food that everyone loves to eat. It’s fast to make, its inexpensive and it’s delicious to everyone. It has a variety of different things to choose, from hot dogs to burgers to tacos. The fast food restaurants have changed the world completely, but not in a good way. Even though it has changed the way people eat daily it causes many health problems. Fast food isn’t healthy for the human body and its becoming a serious problem. Fast food can alterRead MoreDisadvantages Of Fast Food1566 Words   |  7 PagesFast food is taking over many people’s lives living around the world. Many people all over the United States are overweight or obese due to eating so much fast food. Fast food affects peoples physical weight, emotional and mental health and media influence. There are no advantages to eating fast food, especially at a young age. Fast food is a scary road to turn down as a young kid growing up into an adult. Fast food is pretty much its own simple definition when you think about it, it is literallyRead MoreFast Food Restaurants And Obesity1528 Words   |  7 PagesDo fast food restaurants contribute to obesity in America? One out of every four Americans stop by to eat fast food daily. Many people may not know this, but you would have to walk seven straight hours to burn off a super sized Coke, fry, and Big Mac. Sixty percent of all Americans are either overweight or obese. Did you also know that some fast food restaurants sell more toys than Toys-R-Us? Fast food restaurants contribute to obesity in America by promoting time-saving eating options, using celebritiesRead MoreEssay on The American Obesity Epidemic1301 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"More die in the United States of too much food than of too little† ― John Kenneth Galbraith Why are Americans getting bigger by the day? And whats so bad about that anyway? Studies have shown that there are many negative effects associated with obesity. Obesity has been accused of contributing to many long-term conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, diabetes and cancer (Pennybacker 15). Along with the fact that obesity is the most commonRead MoreFast Food is Unhealthy Food Essay1686 Words   |  7 Pagesliterature on the causes of food poisoning is full of euphemisms and dry scientific terms: coliform levels, aerobic plate counts, sorbitol, MacConkey agar, and so on. Behind them lies a simple explanation for why eating a hamburger can now make you seriously ill: There is shit in the meat.†Ã‚   ―  Eric Schlosser,  Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal According to Morgan Spurlocks documentary  Super Size Me, one in every four Americans visits a fast food restaurant each day. AmericaRead MoreFast Foods And Fast Food1339 Words   |  6 PagesWhen it comes to fast food it is just what it is fast food. On a busy or slightly rough day it’s so easy and typical to grab some food on the go and keep it moving. Are we able to find a solution to fast food and its nutritional value of being healthy rather than unhealthy? Fast food comes in handy and gives you a satisfying taste and is a quick fix to feed your hunger at that moment which leads to no kind of nutritional nourishment for your body. It gives the body what it needs at the momentRead MoreThe Short and Long Term Effects of Obesity on the Body Essay530 Words   |  3 Pagesmany ways to reverse bad choices leading to obesity. There are also many causes and effects of obesity, some are more common than the other. Not to mention when being obese you put yourself at risk f or type two diabetes. You can prevent obesity and type two diabetes easily, if you know how to and have the will power. There are many causes and effects of obesity, also there are ways to prevent obesity, one effect of obesity is type two diabetes. First of all there are many causes of obesity, A

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Film Review Essay (Pulp Fiction) - 1061 Words

Denis Salinas 04/23/2013 â€Å"Pulp Fiction† Film Review When giving a film and evaluation it is obvious that acting, setting and plot would fit in every gender, however to evaluate a crime movie the expectations and feedback changes. Crime movies are known for having a flexible plot that allows mystery and tension build up, characters and acting that will maintain their role alive and transfer emotions and dialog that stays clear and understandable. Writing that is able to keep the audience concentrated through long dialogs and it also has its unexpected twists. There are other basic requirements for example: camerawork, costume design and sound editing. Only a few movies have had the privilege to this day be considered works of art in the†¦show more content†¦Writing that is able to keep the audience concentrated through long dialogs and it also has its unexpected twists it’s a key part. Crime movies often move slowly, they build up suspense and situations and they give you a bone here and there so you don’t get bo red and stay until the climax of the story. â€Å"Pulp Fiction† is unique, it’s wonderfully written so each line fits on the designated actor. The story continues on and on with always interesting dialogs. The story takes its wild turns, one more unexpected than the last one. Moments that will take you by surprise are bound to happen. The writing is really fluent in the sense that in each individual scene there’s so much to like, and the best part of it, is the fact that none of the direction or the writing ever seems forced, but quite natural. The movie won’t feel rushed out, it takes times for discussions to go through, the dialog aren’t always attached to what the whole idea of the movie. For example; Vincent and Jules having a discussion about what a TV pilot just seems like a regular conversation between two guys but it doesn’t lose interest as it progress, it’s just interesting. Just like the writing Quentin Tarantino also direc ted the movie and like the writing, he gives everything its time. The way the movie is shot is quite interesting. In most movies a shot lasts a fewShow MoreRelatedNotes for Educating Rita2612 Words   |  11 Pagesrange of texts that illustrate different pathways into new experiences. | |They examine the features of texts that shape our knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about individuals venturing into new experiences. | 1. Read Scene 1 2. Review Questions from Last Class Scene 2 | | | | |She said I was off me cake | Read MoreSeminar: Literary Theory Applied to H.P. Lovecraft-Notably â€Å"the Beast in the Cave†6821 Words   |  28 Pagesas influential to English as the works of contemporaries Mark Twain or Edgar Allen Poe. 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In the current review this research evidence is critically assessed, and the psychological theory that explains why exposure to violence has detrimental effects for both the short run and long run is elaborated. Finally, the size of the â€Å"media violence effect† is compared with some other well known threats to society to estimate how important a threat it should be considered. *   Other Sectionsââ€" ¼ * Abstract * Background for the Review * Theoretical ExplanationsRead MoreCleanth Brookss Essay Irony as a Principle of Structure9125 Words   |  37 Pagescultural and critical theory library Open source archive of ebooks, texts, videos, documentary films and podcasts Pages * Home * List of major critical theorists * What is Critical theory ? * What is Frankfurt School ? * Support Critical Theory Library * Contact This Blog This Blog  Ã‚  Ã‚   |    | ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form    Home  » texts  » History amp; Class Consciousness: Preface by Georg Lukà ¡cs (1923) Thursday, February 3, 2011Read MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words   |  30 PagesBritish authors wrote novels inspired by it.[10][11] In the 20th century, it spread to Germany, Britain,[12] France,[13][14] and several other countries around the globe.[15] The genre translates fairly directly into cinematic form, the coming-of-age film. Plot outline[edit] A Bildungsroman relates the growing up or coming of age of a sensitive person who goes in search of answers to life s questions with the expectation that these will result from gaining experience of the world. The genre evolvedRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 Pagesrestaurants, theaters, and trains. If blacks were permitted to enter a facility, they had to use a separate entrance and sit in a separate section. Langston became an avid reader. His favorite magazine was Crisis, published by W.E.B. Du Bois, whose essays urged African Americans to preserve their heritage and to reject integration into the white community. Langstons favorite newspaper was the Chicago Defender, which published stories about racially motivated lynchings and other injustices. His favoriteRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesPHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.—(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7

Analysis of Endgame Free Essays

Modernism is not mere representation to a period of time but it also represents a life style, way of thinking, different perspective to things, and rebel creation of art against previous schools. Therefore we will try to define this movement and present its characteristics especially in literature. Through wandering at Modernism we will take Endgame as an example of the absurd theater that written by Samuel Beckett and we will explain how it embodies the characteristics of Modernism, language, style, and so forth. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Endgame or any similar topic only for you Order Now Modernism is cultural movement that reflects certain changes not only in the arts (literature, drama, painting, music, sculpture, dance, architecture) but in sciences such as physics, chemistry, and so forth. Modernist production rose after World War to break tradition, beliefs, principles, and rules, â€Å"this break includes a strong reaction against established religious, political, and social views†. Therefore Modernism refuses a single way of looking at world and obvious separation between â€Å"right and wrong, good and bad, and hero and villain†. Modernists rebelled against Victorian ideals†. They emphasized humanism over nationalism and how humans were part and responsible to nature, plus â€Å"they challenged the idea that God played an active role in the world†. So this leads them to the concept or notion that â€Å"no person or thing born to specific use† thus they challenged any assumption that point to presence meaning and purpose behind world events. The term â€Å"modernism† includes significantly â€Å"experimental arts† in addition to its rejection for any â€Å"traditional style and conventions†. Its technique is characterized by â€Å"the disruption of chronological linear plot in fiction , the use of fragmentary images and dense allusions in poetry, and the abandonment of realist or naturalist characterization and dialogue in drama†. All these features will be useful in analysis Endgame as an absurdist theater. Endgame â€Å"tends to support the superficial view that people and things are meaningless, without significance†. In comparison between Modernism and conventional drama such as Realism and Naturalism we will find extreme differences between them. Realism in literature was part of a wider movement in the arts to focus on ordinary people and events. Realists tries to portray real life at the period of time (French revolution). It uses technique that represents real speech, action, events and clear emotions. Realist works are characterized by traditional narrative and real story that has real characters, events and conflict. Naturalism is a literary movement which â€Å"characterized by the application of scientific determinism to literature†. It depends on assumption that is real exists in nature. â€Å"Realism and Naturalism are often linked due to its emphasis on realistic people in realistic settings, featuring ordinary people struggling against unseen forces over which they have no control. Realism and Naturalism differs insomuch that Realism focuses on literary technique whereas Naturalism focuses on a specific philosophy†. Through our presentation for the characteristics of Modernism, we will give an example from Endgame that is written by Samuel Beckett. This play belongs to the absurdist theater â€Å"Absurd is that which is devoid of purpose †¦ Cut off from his religious, metaphysical, and transcendental roots, man is lost; all his actions become senseless, absurd, useless. † Eugene Ionesco. Modernism as style of writing refers to new techniques to communicate the ideas or notions that are presented. One of its features is static, stripped action and dialogue and periods of silence. So it rejects any traditional styles and convention by â€Å"its adoption of radically innovative and often complex, difficult forms†. This is embodied through Endgame. Endgame as the title describes an ending already known in the last part of a chess game, when there are very few pieces left and its masters always study how they guaranty themselves victory through maneuver their enemy into certain position. The play begins with ambiguous Clov’s words that stresses on ending â€Å"Finished, it’s finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished†. The traditional development of events that involve a beginning and end of a story rejected through absurd theater. Therefore â€Å"The play is not divided into acts or scenes, there is no interval†, thus there is a sense of repetition, some words and phrases return but they are never the same, e. g. â€Å"pain killer†, â€Å"there’s no more pain killer†. The repetition of words, the static movement and the general atmosphere point to that nothing will be changed, â€Å"the implication is that the characters live in an unchanging, static state. Each day contains the actions and reactions of the day before, until each event takes on an almost itualistic quality†. Endgame is one-act ply with four characters that divided into two pairs, Hamm and Clov who placed the major roles, Nagg and Nell who not appear at first but throughout the play we will discover that they are Hamm’s parents. The sitting for End game is a bare room with two small windows situated high up on the back wall. Hamm seated in wheelchair and he is covered with a sheet. There are two dustbins that Nagg and Nell’s lodging. There is along ladder which Clov needs it to look at through windows that high and narrow, the right one looks out over the earth and the left one looks out over the sea. HAMM (wearily): Quiet, quiet, you’re keeping me awake. (Pause. ) Talk softer. (Pause. ) If I could sleep I might make love. I’d go into the woods. My eyes would see†¦ the sky, the earth. I’d run, run, they wouldn’t catch me. (Pause. ) Nature! (Pause. ) There’s something dripping in my head. (Pause. ) A heart, a heart in my head. (Pause. NAGG: Do you hear him? A heart in his head! (He chuckles cautiously. ) NELL: One mustn’t laugh at those things, Nagg. Why must you always laugh at them? NAGG: Not so loud! NELL (without lowering her voice): Nothing is funnier than unhappiness, I grant you that. But— This part of the dialogue presents some features of Modernism. Nagg and Nell live in static place (two dustbins) from the beginning to end. They make superficial dialogue between each other that represents unconventional situation and action. As for Hamm, cannot leave his wheelchair nevertheless he is the master and Clove with his mechanical movement is the servant, P. S Clove is the only character who moves on his legs. It also presents the relationships between Hamm and Clov, Nagg and Nell, and the four among each other. The first relationship that embodied by Hamm and Clov represents master/slave and father/son needs, Hamm cannot live without Clov’s help because of his inability (blind and disabled), in other hand, Clov needs survival that Hamm provides him. Nagg and Nell’s presence in two separated dustbins make them unable to contact with each other but comfort each other, they ‘popping up their heads to call for food† that become ‘a dog biscuit’. The absurd theater also characterized by use of gestures and mime that mixed with quite silence â€Å"pregnant pauses†. Beckett focuses on using mime and gesture to portray the unspoken desires of his characters, and the ways of death dominates our thoughts. Hamm’s disability to move from his chair and see by his blind eyes point to that he already died because he cannot do anything to himself only through Clove. How to cite Analysis of Endgame, Essay examples

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Client/Server Computing Has Become The Model For New Information Archi

Client/Server computing has become the model for new information architecture. This technology will take enterprise wide computing into the 21st century. Computing power has rapidly become distributed and interconnected throughout many organizations through networks of all types of computers. Networked computer systems are taking the form of client/server computing. With client/server computing, end users can handle a broad range of information processing tasks. This included data entry, inquiry response, updating databases, and providing decision support. How do the client/server systems at Helene Curtis illustrate the benefits of client/server computing? The client/server system allows the sales reps the ability to tap into the database to retrieve data about product sales and promotions. The reps cans tap into the systems with their palmpads. The palmpad are hand held computers linking the reps to the company's database system. With the information retrieved, the reps can give store managers fact based advice on products, promotions, and fill orders. The immediate feedback informs the reps where and which products are selling best and the promotion used to sell. The palmpad is way to maintain good relations with retailers, who pass the service to the customers. Client/Server computing allows many users to share common data resources, including files and databases as well as computer storage and printers. Sharing data and information eliminates the need for personal management of data and/or peripheral devices. Finally, client/server computing allows the integration of geographically distributed users and computing resources into a cohesive computer and communication environment (Senn, 1995, p. 404). The palmpads let the field sales reps visit, on average, one more store a day. How might this be a competitive advantage for Helene Curtis? Retailers require and expect special services from manufacturers. The palmpad allows reps to visit the store and act as consultants and account managers. The rep's palmpads, enable the reps to retrieve sales data, track inventory, and link stores. The information will aid the reps in determining manufacture discounts to retailers. Which enables the retailers to hold sales and price cut to pull in the price conscious consumers. Specific information requested by the reps is made available. The server processes database requests and the client takes the results and works with them. Thus, with client/server computing, as much of the processing as possible is performed on the server before the requested data and information are transmitted to the client. This means specific information, not complete files or large sections of databases, are transmitte d to the client (Senn, 1995, p. 404). Many stock analysts feel that Helene Curtis is well positioned for future growth. As evidence, they cite the company's ongoing introduction of new, higher-priced brands and its investment in the information systems needed to provide good retail service. What might these predictions mean for Helene Curtis's competitors? Helene Curtis competitors need to invest in an information system. Potential investors are looking not only for a good product, but also an information system that will aid in providing for retail service. The information system will allow companies to track of sales data of its competitors. Also, the system will increase productivity. Companies will be able to compete with new products or price discounts, or whatever else their competitors are handing out. The information has to be easily accessible to employees and provide quick feedback. All of this means faster access to data and information, better service for customers, quicker responses to changes in the busines s environment, more efficient business power, fewer errors, and in general, higher levels of productivity (Senn, 1995, p. 404). Client/Server technology promises many things to many people: to end users, easier access to corporate and external data; to managers, dramatically lower costs for processing; to programmers, reduced maintenance; to corporate planners, and infrastructure that enables business processes to be reengineered for strategic benefits. Whether client/server lives up to these promises will depend in large part on how carefully it is planned for, and how intelligently policies are put forth to manage it. Bibliography Client/Server computing has become the model for new information architecture. This technology will take enterprise wide computing into the 21st century. Computing power has rapidly become distributed and interconnected throughout many organizations through networks of all types of computers. Networked computer systems are taking the form of